


けさChatGPTの画面を開いたとき、左側にあるチャット履歴一覧の“Previous 7 Days”のところに“Cheer up with kittens!”という項目があるのに気づきました。こんなやり取りです。

I want to cheer up my friend who's having a rough day. Can you suggest a couple short and sweet text messages to go with a kitten gif?

Sure! Here are a couple of short and sweet text messages you can send along with a kitten GIF to cheer up your friend:
"Just a little furball to brighten your day 🐱 Remember, it's okay to take things one purr at a time!"
"Sending you a bundle of cuddles and purrs to help you feel better! Remember, every day is a new beginning. 😺"
You can choose one of these messages and pair it with a cute kitten GIF that you think your friend would love.


I don't remember asking you this question in the previous 7 days, why was this chat generated?

It looks like there might have been a misunderstanding. If you didn't ask the previous question, I apologize for the confusion. How can I assist you today?


That's not what I'm asking. It means I haven't asked you this question: “Can you suggest a couple short and sweet text messages to go with a kitten gif?”, but this morning I found that this chat appeared on my ChatGPT page. Why was this chat generated?

I understand your concern now. If a chat appeared on your ChatGPT page that you did not initiate, there could be several reasons:

  1. Accidental Input: You might have accidentally entered the question or interacted with the ChatGPT interface without realizing it. This can happen, for example, if you leave the page open and your device is touched or interacted with unintentionally.
  2. Account Misuse: Someone else might have access to your account and could have asked the question. It's a good idea to secure your account with a strong password and to log out when not using shared or public devices.
  3. Technical Glitch: There could be a technical issue or glitch within the ChatGPT system that caused an unintended chat session to appear. While rare, software bugs can lead to unexpected behaviors.
  4. Session Carryover: If you were logged into another device or browser and started a chat there, it might sync up when you open ChatGPT on a different device or browser if you're using the same account.

If none of these reasons seem to apply and you're concerned about unauthorized access or a potential security issue, it would be wise to change your password and review your account security settings. Also, you might want to reach out to the platform's support team for further assistance and to report the incident.

